Humidity Returns This Week...

August 16, 2021 // Article by: Brad Miller

Not a bad start to the work week here in the Northeast and New England as high pressure keeps most of the I-95 corridor dry through Monday night.  However, as the high slips off the East Coast, the humidity will increase along with the chance for rain as we head towards midweek.  But, this is quite the challenging forecast over the next few days as moisture from what will be the remnants of Fred get "pulled up" towards the region as well.  Still uncertainties as to where the heaviest axis of rain occurs, but with precipitable water values over 2", where it rains, it will do so rather efficiently.  In other words, flooding will likely become an issue for parts of the Mid-Atlantic, Northeast, and perhaps even southern New England if everything comes together.  Here is a look at the forecast simulated radar for 8 AM Thursday.

Courtesy Tropical Tidbits

Rain amounts will likely vary quite a bit as the embedded downpours produce localized higher amounts, and again due to the tropical air mass that will be in place.  The main window and the potential heavy rain will be Wednesday night through Thursday (from southwest to northeast).  Check out this forecast model for total rainfall through Friday afternoon.  

Courtesy Pivotal Weather

Well, thats it for now.  We'll of course have continued updates over the next few days on the progression of Fred and the storm's remnants as they track towards the I-95 corridor.  Don't forget to check us out on social media and feel free to drop by The Weather Lounge on your favorite podcast platform.