Need Rainfall History?

July 9, 2019 // Article by: Cody Hewitt

Summer has arrived and so has plenty of rain! The past 12 months in particular have been record breakers for many across the U.S. Accordingly, it has become ever more necessary to document just how wet it has been due to the impacts on various projects. Here at WeatherWorks, we are always striving to provide our clients with useful ways to present past data. Our Data & Stats Department is excited to unveil a new product that tailors to that very need!

Our Seasonal Review product provides a rainfall climatology overview which you can request for a number of locations based on region or ZIP code. This includes monthly totals, cumulative amounts over the season, and the number of rain days, all of which are displayed visually in an easy-to-read graph form. A full year’s worth of data can be displayed, which makes the form customizable to your preferences!

In addition, the Seasonal Review can incorporate temperature and snowfall overviews. For temperatures, monthly anomaly charts and daily timelines of maximum and minimum temperatures are depicted over the course of the season and is compared to daily and monthly normals. Unlike our Snowtistics™ product which covers snowfall climatology over many years, the snowfall overview provides a quick snapshot of monthly totals, seasonal cumulatives, and the number of days with various types of wintry precipitation for the previous season.

The Seasonal Review can be utilized to depict how the weather effects your projects. Many have had outdoor work interrupted or postponed due to unwanted stretches of inclement weather. By showing your client the certified data in our report, you can provide reasons for project delays, why deadlines lapsed, and have proof for any additional expenses. The Seasonal Review can even be used to show potential trends that may persist into the near future as well.

Get climatology beyond the snow! If you are interested in our Seasonal Review, feel free to request a report by emailing or give us a call at 908-850-8600.