Severe Weather Hazard Safety Guide

May 16, 2023 // Article by: Armando Salvadore

When atmospheric conditions become "ripe" on specific days, severe weather is usually a result and happens anywhere abd at any time. A  thunderstorm can turn strong enough to contain damaging winds, large hail, frequent lightning, and even tornadoes; all of which pose a danger to us and result in injuries or even fatalities. By understanding what to do before and during these severe events, however, you’ll be putting yourself in an extremely advantageous position by preventing the worst-case scenario against nature’s wrath.


First, lets understand the differences between a WATCH  and a WARNING. These are issues by the National Weather Service, but get delivered in many ways; EAS alerts on your phones, weather apps, social media, radio broadcasts, and even from your local news station.


ImAnalogy explaning the difference between a watch and a warning.


Before the Storm Checklist 


The Dangers of Flooding: Turn Around, Don't Drown!



Image Courtesy of The National Weather Service



    Lightning & Thunder: When It Roars, Go Indoors!


Image Courtesy of The National Weather Service : Lightning Safety Awareness



      Tornadoes / Damaging, Severe Gusts


Image Courty of National Weather Service in Tallahassee, Florida via Twitter






Image Courtesy Of Jonathan Erdman on Twitter


 Large Hail 


 Comparisons of hailstones to objects, and general damage that can occur to property


These are just some quick tips to keep in the back of your heard during any severe weather event. By following these procedures in the case of any hazard, you're lessening the risk quite substantially of physical injury and harm. If you know where your emergency kit is, have a backup emergency plan and become proactive during threatening weather situations. Don't be afraid to be over cautious in any severe weather setup; since it only takes one to cause problems. Stay safe out there everyone.