We are Informed

Turning Muggy In The Northeast...

May 13, 2022
Article by: Brad Miller

Get The Latest On The Forecast For The Upcoming Weekend Right Here...

April 2022: Some Snow and on the Wet Side in the Northeast

May 11, 2022
Article by: Cody Hewitt

Precipitation was above normal for the Northeast and with up and down temperatures, even some snow and severe weather occurred.

April's Ups and Downs in the Midwest

May 12, 2022
Article by: Steve Copertino

April 2022 featured some snow, but warm and cold days battled it out through the month.

Data Driven Decisions for Your Winter Planning

May 12, 2022
Article by: Kevin Hopler

Plan ahead and arm yourself with the most reliable snowfall data in the country.

The Ongoing Storm Rule: A Meteorologist's Perspective

April 26, 2022
Article by: WeatherWorks, LLC

What is the Ongoing Storm Rule, and how has it added new challenges to settling slip-and-fall cases?

Some Rain, Then Chilly For Easter...

April 15, 2022
Article by: Brad Miller

Check out the Easter weekend forecast for the Northeast right here...

Stays A Bit Unsettled In The Northeast...

April 8, 2022
Article by: Brad Miller

Check out the weekend forecast right here..

Lots of Swings in February and March 2022

April 6, 2022
Article by: Cody Hewitt

While temperatures finished above average, there were still cold shots and wintry weather during the months, with even notable squalls to close out March.

February and March 2022: Winter Wraps Up

April 6, 2022
Article by: Nate Woltmann

Wild swings in temperatures, winter storms, and severe weather in Central Indiana into Ohio in February and March.

Why the Cold Snap in Late March?

April 6, 2022
Article by: Kyle Leahy

Wondering why it felt more like winter again in late March? Meteorologist Kyle Leahy investigates.

Some Rain, Then Cooler For The Northeast...

March 18, 2022
Article by: Brad Miller

Find Out More About The Weekend Forecast Right Here...

A Mild December Followed by a Colder January

February 17, 2022
Article by: Brad Miller

After a December which lacked snowfall, January turned colder...but snow was still hard to come by.

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